render times

File: Emily01RealScale3a.project
Render quality= 22%
Render time: 10m 5s

Render quality= 45%
Render time: 18m 59s

Render quality= 100%
Render time= 25m 15s

File: Emily01RealScale3a1.project
Turned up some of the lights and area light was moved closer on the right hand side. This made render times go up significantly.
Render quality= 100%
Render time= 46m 31s

File: Emily01RealScale3a1.project
Disabled all spot and area lights, just have IBL turned on.
Whats interesting here, is the detail in the skin is lost and seems more "grainy" regarding to light. Im guessing its due to IBL being used as an environment light and not having enough samples per pixel to create a higher definition. Interesting. Clearly you need to have spot, area lights in the scene.

Render quality= 44%
Render time= 10m 53s
Render quality= 100%
Render time= 24m 49s
Here you can see grain even though render quality set to 100%. KEEP THIS IN MIND!!


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